Treatment of nasal congestion

Treatment of nasal congestion

Nasal congestion is one of the common symptoms due to environmental factors or some diseases, and it usually goes away with time. Fortunately, there are many ways to treat nasal congestion, whether natural or by means of medications.

Causes of nasal congestion

Possible causes of nasal congestion include:

  • Acute sinusitis.
  • sensitive.
  • Chronic sinusitis.
  • cold
  • Excessive use of decongestant nasal sprays.
  • Deviated nasal septum.
  • dry air.
  • adenoid hypertrophy;
  • Some types of food, especially spicy dishes.
  • Foreign body in the nose
  • granuloma with vasculitis.
  • Hormonal changes
  • Flu
  • Medications, such as those used to treat high blood pressure, erectile dysfunction, depression, seizures, and other conditions
  • rhinitis
  • (chronic congestion or sneezing not related to allergies)
  • Occupational asthma
  • Pregnancy
  • Respiratory syncytial virus (RSV)
  • Apnea Sleep
  • Stress
  • Thyroid Disorders
  • Tobacco Smoke


Treating Nasal Congestion

There are many effective home remedies for nasal congestion that you can try. 

Read on to find out the best things to do when you have nasal congestion so you can start feeling better again.


your nose gently blowing your nose to get rid of loose mucus, be sure to stay hydrated and rest to speed healing.

Breathe in moist air by inhaling steam, taking a hot bath, or using a humidifier in your home.

Try expelling the mucus with a saline spray or a neti pot.


Take over-the-counter decongestants to help relieve a swollen nose. If the congestion is caused by an allergy, use an antihistamine instead.

Take a tissue and blow gently from one nostril at a time to get some relief quickly. 

Just don't try to blow too hard if the mucus doesn't come out because you could push it into your sinuses and cause an infection.

If you are trying to help an infant or young child with congestion, use a syringe to suction out the mucus. 

Apply hot compresses to your nose

. Warm compresses relieve sinus pressure by breaking up mucus. Wet a cloth with warm water and wring it out.

 Simply apply the compress to the top of your nose and forehead and leave it on for a few minutes. Next, try blowing your nose to remove loose mucus. 

Inhale steam

The steam loosens up the mucus in the nose so that it is easier to expel. Put a bowl of water in the microwave and heat it until smoke begins to rise.

 Put a towel over your head and lean over the bowl. Inhale the steam slowly through your nose. Then blow your nose to get rid of the congestion. 

Avoid using boiling water or hot steam as it can burn you.

Natural ways to treat nasal congestion 

We continue with you to show you the best ways to treat nasal congestion, which are:

Do light exercises for quick and temporary relief

Gentle exercises can help open the nasal passages, as long as you do not have a fever or feel tired, try a short series of simple exercises . 

Go for a short walk, do push-ups, or do yoga poses to do something simple to help clear a stuffy nose. 

Reduce the intensity of your regular workouts because they can strain your body and take longer to recover.

If you start to feel sick or uncomfortable when exercising, take a break and give yourself some time to recover.

Take a hot shower

. The heat and steam will loosen mucus from a blocked nose. Run the shower as hot as you can tolerate and hop in for a few minutes. Take several deep breaths through your nose until the steam clears the congestion. 

Use a shower of melted eucalyptus for relief, the essential oils in the melted shower will make your breath feel congested.

Use the nose strip The nose

strip widens the nostrils to facilitate breathing, press the strip firmly in front of the nose so that it sticks to the skin. 

The tape helps open the nose further so the congestion is less noticeable. 

Try a saline nasal

spray. The saline spray will expel any excess mucus blocking the nose. Blow your nose to remove as much mucus as possible at first.

 Use the nasal spray by placing the tip of the sprayer in one nostril and attaching the other with a finger. Inhale slowly as you spray the saline solution into your nose. Then to himself in the other nostril. 

You can make a saline nasal spray at home using 240 ml of boiling water and 1/4 teaspoon of sea salt.

Drink fluids to stay hydrated.

Water and clear fluids help thin the mucus that causes congestion. Drink about 8 glasses of water a day to stay hydrated. 

You can also drink other clear liquids, such as juices, tea, and broth to help loosen mucus and reduce a stuffy nose.

Avoid alcohol as it may make congestion worse.

Raise your head

Rest your head Drain your sinuses so you don't feel blocked, congestion may be a little worse when you lie on your back because mucus is trapped. 

Sit straight and stand tall when you can. When you sleep with a stuffy nose, use pillows to support your head. 

Use a humidifier A humidifier

adds moisture to the air to prevent blockages. You're more likely to get a stuffy nose when the air is dry, but a humidifier is a simple solution. 

Use a humidifier every time you are home so the air doesn't dry out. 

Just be sure to clean the humidifier to prevent mold formation.

Rinse the mucus with

pot The neti pot removes all the mucus from the nose quickly. Fill a neti pot with warm distilled or boiled water. Bend over to your pelvis and tilt your head to one side. 

To use your neti pot, breathe through your mouth and place the container's nozzle into your upper nostril. Let the water drain from your lower nostril before you blow your nose. 

When you are done with one nostril, turn your head to the other side and rinse the other nostril.

Avoid using water directly from the tap because it contains bacteria.


or eucalyptus oil, which you can buy over the counter for nasal congestion. 

The most famous of these are Vicks which are available as a steam massage, which is rubbed on the chest for inhalation, and oils which are added to hot water for steam inhalation. 

There is also throat emulsification. These soothe a sore throat as well as help relieve nasal congestion.

These were the most important methods of treating nasal congestion naturally and had no side effects.


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